How Can True Individual Freedom Be Achieved?& A Source Study of Marxist Liberal Thinking and Social Economics 个人的真正自由何以实现?马克思自由思想的哲学社会经济学文本探源
It is the guarantee of the standing development of the social economics that given a potential analysis and scientific programming of the standing development and utilization of the groundwater resources in the serious water-lack area. 摘要严重缺水地区地下水资源潜力的准确评估、开发利用的科学规划以确保其可持续供给,是地区社会经济可持续发展的保证。
Abstract: according to the type of potential geological catastrophes in the area of Chongqing city, the paper analyses the distribution characteristics of these catastrophes in respect of time and place and the impact of these catastrophes on urban and rural facilities, traffic and social economics. 文摘:本文根据重庆市地质灾害的类型,总结了地质灾害在空间和时间上的分布特征,并分析了地质灾害对城镇、交通和社会经济的危害性。
We also discussed about that influencing factors for the health demands and medical care demands, and meaning of health capital in development and reform of social economics systems in China. 分析了健康需求与医疗服务需求之间的关系,并对健康资本在社会经济发展中所具有的现实意义进行了评价。
The re-cognition of capital category asks to probe the inherent basis and realization mechanism which include public ownership and market economy from theoretic aspect. The "Re-cognition" will become a good turning point to make social economics thoroughly remold itself. 对资本范畴再认识是要从理论上探索公有制与市场经济兼容的内在依据和实现机制,这种再认识,将成为使社会主义经济学得以脱胎换骨的良好契机。
It is not only a symbol of the pattern of modern social sustainable development and modern biological-psych social medicine, but also it will have a far-reaching influence on the future medical thinking, cultural politics and social economics. 生命质量不仅是现代社会可持续发展模式与现代生物心理社会医学模式的重要内容,还将对未来社会经济等方面产生深远影响。
The disorderly manpower market results from the complex social economics. 劳动力市场失序有复杂的社会经济原因。
Information industry, which is the base of the knowledge economics, is a strategic industry which not only changes the form of social economics and the ways of people living, but also accelerates the adjustment of industry structures and the rapid development of economics. 信息产业作为知识经济的主要基础,不仅改变社会经济形态、人民生活方式,更是推动产业结构调整和经济高速发展的战略性产业。
This paper analyzes the defects of linear spatial information statistics in geoscience, explores theories and applications of non-linear spatial information statistics in geoscience, and in other applications associated with social economics. 针对线性空间信息统计学的理论方法及其在地学中的应用不足,系统地研究了非线性空间信息统计学的理论、方法及其应用,拓宽了空间信息统计学的应用领域。
Secondly, pay more attention to the influence of consumer characteristic to all latent variables and by demonstration, test the influence degree of social economics characteristic of population and personality metal characteristic. 其次,重点分析了顾客特征对模型中各潜在变量的影响,通过实证分析,验证顾客的人口社会经济特征和个性心理特征对各潜在变量的影响程度。
It is put forward, complying with economics globalization and regional economics integration, and an inevitable choice of Chinese social economics reform entering the storm fortification stage, and the real embody of "Scientific Development Concept". 它的提出顺应当今经济全球化和区域经济一体化进程加快的背景,是中国社会经济改革进入攻坚阶段的必然选择,是科学发展观的现实体现。
It is important to speed up the exploitation and promote the economic development of this area by deepening the research work on its natural resources and social economics. 深入开展沿海地区的自然资:源和社会经济等方面的研究工作,对于加速海岸带开发利用和促进沿海经济发展有着重要的意义。
The author analyses with micro-economical theory, by a comparison of models, the condition of choice to mass customized production or mass standard production among consumers, producers and social economics. 本文运用微观经济理论,以模型比较分析了消费者、厂商和社会经济对大规模定制生产与大规模标准生产模式的选择条件;
It once had active influence on improving people's morality, adjusting the contradiction in social economics life, stabilize the order of family and society. 在古代社会它曾对提升人们的道德水平、调节社会经济生活中的矛盾、稳定家庭和社会的秩序起过积极的作用。
But as for the Principle of People's Livelihood, the Confucian idea of Great Harmony is a non-negligible important source apart from Adam Smith and Henry George's social economics and Russian Marxism. 民生主义学说除受亚当·斯密和亨利·乔治等人的社会经济学说以及俄国马克思主义的影响外,儒家大同思想也是不可忽视的重要来源之一。
The administration of mining enterprises is a science with respect to mining operation and management study in accordance with the geological conditions and characteristics of production and technology of mine. It is transdisciplinary science including discipline of nature, technology, and social economics. 矿山企业管理是根据矿山地质条件与生产技术特点研究矿山经营管理的科学,它涉及到对技术经济和人的管理,是跨自然学科、技术学科和社会经济学科的跨学科科学。
Social Political Science and Social Economics 社会政治学与社会经济学
Strengthening the Construction of Information Network, Advancing the Sustainable Development of the Social Economics of the Southwest 加强信息网络建设促进西南地区社会经济可持续发展
It cites the facts that the establishment and development of some Universities in America and Germany have great effect on the social economics, politics and the cultural progress. 列举了美国、德国大学在形成和发展过程中,对社会经济、政治和文化的进步所起的重要作用。
As the elementary cell tissue, enterprises 'organization is dynamic in the modern social economics system. The core and foundation of social organization is the Enterprises' organization. 企业组织是现代社会经济体系中最具活力的基本细胞单元,是社会组织体系的核心和基础。
Social economics represents the trends of dialogue from departure between economics and sociology, which is helpful for both disciplines. 社会经济学代表了经济学与社会学在研究主题和方法上从分离走向对话的趋势,这有助于两个学科的发展。
Then, the trust antecedent variables of construction enterprises were analyzed in order to obtain the practical social causes of present low trust level in construction market in China, from the perspective of "embeddedness" in New Social Economics. 然后,从新社会经济学的嵌入性视角分析了我国背景下partnering模式中的各个信任前因变量,探讨了目前我国建筑企业间低信任水平的现实社会原因。
It is playing an important role in the economic life and social economics, which contributes lots to the development of the enterprise and public organization. 项目管理也因此为企业和公共机构的发展,即经济生活乃至社会经济的发展起到了至关重要的作用。
So, real estate is the important part of the social property, and is the base and important part of the social economics and social activities, and also the important force of industrialization and urbanization. 因此,房地产是构成社会财富的重要内容,为整个社会经济、社会活动的开展提供了基本的和重要的构成要素,它的发展是推动工业化和城镇化的重要力量。
First, beginning with the relationship history of economics and sociology, it introduces the rise and basic meaning of social economics. 首先,从经济学与社会学的关系史入手,对社会经济学的兴起和含义作了介绍。
Some economical productive activities, which had no contribution, even negative effects to social economics, were included in the GDP accounting. 一部分对社会经济毫无贡献,甚至有负效应的经济生产活动也纳入了GDP的核算之中。
Moreover, as important institutional investors, the insolvency of life insurance companies would attack all the financial system and the stable of social economics. 此外,作为重要的机构投资者,寿险公司缺乏清偿能力还会对整个金融体系和社会经济稳定造成冲击。
In this paper, in the lab experiments of social economics games, the maximum entropy principle was tested for the first time. 本文以实验室社会经济学的博弈实验为研究对象,对最大熵原理首次进行了检验。
This project provides the important theoretical basis on realization of the execution for goal of generally economic development, on establishment one the important productive base of green foodstuff and food production, on utilization to land resources sustainable and development of social economics sustainable. 该项目的研究,为保证黑龙江区域总体经济发展目标实施,建成国家重要的商品粮和绿色食品生产基地,为实现黑龙江区域土地资源的可持续利用和社会经济的可持续发展提供重要的理论依据。
The establishment and development of mining cities significantly promote the development of social economics in surrounding areas and enhance the processes of industrialization and urbanization, which play an important role in the national economics. 矿区城市的形成与发展,有力的带动了周边区域社会经济的发展,加快了工业化和城市化的进程,在我国国民经济中发挥着举足轻重的作用。